

Aug 30, 2023

How to Play Padle

How to Play Paddle: A Beginner’s Guide

Paddle is an exciting racquet sport that combines elements of tennis and squash. It is a fast-paced game that can be played both indoors and outdoors, making it a great option for all seasons. If you’re new to paddle and want to learn how to play, this article will provide you with all the information you need to get started.


To play paddle, you will need a paddle racquet, a paddle ball, and a paddle court. Paddle racquets are similar to tennis racquets but have a solid surface made of graphite or carbon fiber. Paddle balls are made of rubber and have a lower bounce compared to tennis balls. Paddle courts are usually smaller than tennis courts and have a wire mesh fence surrounding them.

Basic Rules

The objective of paddle is to score points by hitting the ball over the net and into the opponent’s court. The game is usually played in doubles, with two players on each team. The server must start the point by hitting the ball diagonally into the opponent’s service box. The ball must clear the net and land within the service box without touching the back wall. If the ball hits the back wall or fails to clear the net, it is considered a fault. The receiving team must let the ball bounce before returning it, but after that, the ball can be played off the fly or after one bounce. The game continues until one team reaches a predetermined number of points, usually 11 or 15.

Techniques and Strategies

Here are some key techniques and strategies to improve your paddle game:

1. Grip: Hold the racquet with a firm grip but avoid gripping it too tightly to maintain control and maneuverability.

2. Stance: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees for better balance and mobility.

3. Serve: Aim to hit the ball with a slight topspin to ensure it clears the net and lands in the service box.

4. Return: Anticipate the direction of the ball and move quickly to get into position for a solid return.

5. Placement: Try to hit the ball to areas where your opponents are not positioned to create difficult shots for them.

6. Communication: Constantly communicate with your partner to ensure you both cover the court effectively and avoid collisions.

7. Defense: Learn to anticipate your opponent’s shots and position yourself accordingly to have a better chance of returning them.

8. Lob Shot: Use the lob shot when your opponents are at the net to force them to move back and create an opportunity for a winning shot.

9. Volleys: Practice volleys to hit the ball before it bounces and take control of the point.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is paddle the same as platform tennis?No, paddle and platform tennis are two different sports. While they share similarities, such as the use of a solid racquet and a low-bouncing ball, they have different rules and court dimensions.

2. Can I play paddle if I don’t have any experience with tennis or squash?Absolutely! Paddle is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all skill levels. With some practice and dedication, you can quickly learn and improve your paddle game.

3. How many players are on a paddle team?Paddle is usually played in doubles, with two players on each team. However, singles matches are also common.

4. Can I play paddle indoors?Yes, paddle can be played both indoors and outdoors. Indoor paddle courts are typically heated and have a roof to allow for year-round play.

5. Is paddle a physically demanding sport?Paddle can be physically demanding, especially in intense matches. It requires quick reflexes, agility, and endurance. However, the intensity can be adjusted depending on the skill level and preferences of the players.

6. What should I wear to play paddle?Wear comfortable athletic clothing and appropriate court shoes that provide good traction. Dress in layers to adjust to the temperature on the court.

7. How long does a paddle game usually last?The duration of a paddle game can vary depending on the skill level of the players and the agreed-upon number of points. On average, a game can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

8. Can children play paddle?Yes, paddle can be enjoyed by people of all ages, including children. Children can start learning paddle at a young age and gradually develop their skills.

9. Are there any professional paddle tournaments?Yes, there are professional paddle tournaments held worldwide. Professional players compete for prize money and rankings, showcasing their skills and athleticism in high-level matches.

In conclusion, paddle is an exciting racquet sport that combines elements of tennis and squash. With the right equipment, understanding of the rules, and practice of key techniques, you can enjoy playing paddle and improve your skills over time. So grab a paddle racquet, find a partner, and get ready to have a blast on the paddle court!